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Mammals of Oxfordshire

There are about 55-60 species of mammal said to be resident or regularly breeding in the UK.


Those species which are resident, have been recorded in Oxfordshire or may potentially be present (now or in years to come) are listed in below.


You can download the whole Mammal Guide via the top link or open each species individually via the succeeding links.


Whole Mammal Guide

A comprehensive guide to all mammals present or potentially present in Oxfordshire.

Wood mouse

Apodemus sylvaticus

Woodland, hedgerows, gardens, farmland, grassland and scrub.


Common and widespread

Yellow-necked mouse

Apodemus flavicollis

Woodland, gardens, hedgerows and scrub.


Assumed common and widespread

House mouse

Mus musculus

Woodland, gardens, houses, hedgerows, farmland and scrub.


Common and widespread

Brown rat

Rattus norvegicus

Anywhere with suitable food


Common and widespread

Hazel dormouse

Muscardinus avellanarius

Woodland and overgrown hedges


Rare, mainly found in south east of county.

Edible dormouse

Glis glis

Woodland and large dense hedgerows


Rare but possibly spreading.

Grey squirrel

Sciurus carolinensis

Deciduous and coniferous woodland, urban parks and gardens.


Common and widespread

European hare

Lepus europaeus

Open habitats such as large areas of arable land or grassland.


Widespread but uncommon.

European rabbit

Talpa europa

Woodland, moorland, farmland, grassland, roadside verges.


Common and widespread

European hedgehog

Erinaceus europaeus

Woodland edge is natural home, but will use hedges and domestic garden landscape.


Widespread but declining.

European mole

Talpa europaea

Grassland, arable, pasture, deciduous woodland.


Common and widespread

Common shrew

Sorex araneus

All terrestrial habitat with good vegetation cover.


Common and widespread

Pygmy shrew

Sorex minutus

Grassland, deciduous woodland and hedgerows.


Uncommon but widespread

Water shrew

Neomys fodiens

Semi-aquatic habitats: river banks, wet ditches, fens, ponds and water meadows.



Lesser horseshoe

Rhinolophus hipposideros

Sheltered valleys, woodland edge, pasture and wetlands.


Uncommon but widespread.

Whiskered bat

Myotis mystacinus

Woodland, parkland and farmland.


Frequent in woodland areas

Brandt's bat

Myotis brandtii

Woodland, parkland and farmland.


Frequent in woodland areas

Natterer's bat

Myotis nattereri

Woodland, parkland, farmland and urban areas.


Common and widespread

Bechstein's bat

Mytois bechsteinii

Woodland (particularly ancient woodland) and farmland.


Rare, with restricted range.

Daubenton's bat

Myotis daubentonii

Wetland, woodland and parkland.


Common and widespread in wetland areas

Alcathoe bat

Myotis alcathoe



Not known.

Serotine (bat)

Eptesicus serotinus

Woodland, farmland, parkland and urban areas.


Infrequent yet widespread

Noctule (bat)

Nyctalus noctula

Open habitats and rivers or lakes, near woodlands.


Infrequent yet widespread

Leisler's bat

Nyctalus leisleri

Open habitats and rivers or lakes, near woodlands.


Infrequent yet widespread

Common pipistrelle (bat)

Pipistrellus pipistrellus

Wide range of habitats comprising woodland, hedgerows, grassland, farmland, suburban and urban.


Very common and widespread

Soprano pipistrelle (bat)

Pipistrellus pygmaeus

Typically wetland habitats, rivers, lakes, woodland edges, tree lines or hedgerows, suburban parks and gardens.


Common, particularly near wetland areas

Nathusius' pipistrelle (bat)

Pipistrellus nathusii

Often large freshwater lakes, or near rivers, canals, lakes and waterlogged areas.


Likely seasonal migrant

Barbastelle (bat)

Barbastella barbastellus

Woodland, farmland and parkland.


Rare, but widespread.

Brown long-eared bat

Plecotus auritus

Woodland, farmland, urban areas and parkland.


Common and widespread.

Red deer

Cervus elaphus

Moorlands and open hillsides, woodland and forest.


No records since 2005

Fallow deer

Dama dama

Wooded habitat preferred but will move into farmland.


Common and widespread.

Roe deer

Capreolus capreolus

Prefers woodland with dense undergrowth and scrub.


Common and widespread.

Sika deer

Capreolus nippon

Prefers mixed woodland with scrubby undergrowth.



Reeve's muntjac deer

Muntiacus reevesi

Varied; at home in close proximity to humans, wherever there is dense undergrowth, scrub and woodland for shelter.


Common and widespread.

Chinese water deer

Hydropotes inermis

Wetlands, swamps, river valleys, occasionally arable fields.



Red fox

Vulpes vuples

Open landscapes, fields and parkland, but also (increasingly) suburban and urban environments.


Common and widespread

Stoat (Ermine)

Mustela erminea

Farmland, woodland, grassland, marshland and mountain moorland.


Common and widespread.

Least weasel

Mustela nivalis

Woodland, farmland, riparian and grassland.


Common and widespread.

European polecat

Mustela putorius

Urban and gardens, deciduous woodland, grassland, mixed woodland and arable land.


Common and widespread.

European otter

Lutra lutra

Wetland habitats (rivers, lakes, streams).


Increasing range and population

European badger

Meles meles

Well-drained woodland is preferred for setts, with access to open land for foraging.


Common and widespread

American mink

Neovision vision

Equally at home on land or in water, mink will generally be found in or around rivers.


Common and widespread

Red squirrel

Sciurus vulgaris

Deciduous and coniferous woodland.


Currently not recorded

Eurasian beaver

Castor fiber

Each family group occupy a few kilometre stretch of river, stream or wetland.


Currently not recorded

Wild boar

Sus scrofa

Females show a preference for dense habitats such as woodlands but males will roam in a variety of habitats from marshland, farmland and riparian habitats.


Currently not recorded

Greater horseshoe

Rhinolophus ferrumequinum

Grasslands, woodlands, farmland and urban areas.


Currently not recorded

Grey long-eared bat

Plecotus austriacus

Woodland, farmland, urban areas and parkland.


Currently not recorded

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